Mark Bersani's Fundraiser

Tire King of the Little Miami River
Help me defend my title, while supporting Adventure Crew!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We're talkin' TRASH!
This summer I'm squaring off with longtime river rival Bryan Wolf of Roads Rivers and Trails to see who is truly "Tire King of the Little Miami River." All summer long I'll be competing against Bryan to see who can pull the most tires from the river -- and who can raise the most money in support of two great causes: Adventure Crew and Little Miami Conservancy.
I'm hauling tires for the Crew!
Your donation to my Crew Champion fundraiser supports transformative experiences city teens the great outdoors. Help me open the doors of nature through kayaking, biking, hiking, rock climbing, skiing, and other awesome adventures.